Sunday, June 20, 2010

Die Heuwels

Aaaah. Afrikaans and I are not friends. My afrikaans extends as far as the preposition song that you learn in high school ("en maar dog want en maar dog want of of of nog nog nog soweel as trouens soweel as trouens inteendeel"). Sunday lunch at my best friends house (which is a predominantly afrikaans household) just wouldn't be complete without her mum asking me to say something in afrikaans at the table. This soutie provides the entertainment. However, since being introduced to Die Heuwels Fantasties, i can now be caught singing afrikaans most of the time. i hum it at my desk. I sing it in the car.

some snaps from my first time i heard them. Thanks Lauren, Kyle, Damien and John

Here are some songs, Leja (dis my gunstelling)although the video is a bit random.


  1. Pleasure! Can't wait for their new album!

  2. It is only a pleasure my skat.

    I love that you enjoyed it :)
